Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Stuck in a Moment

So apparently, this is my 100th post. Who gives a damn.
Hmm, so last night I had like the worst night of sleep like ever. Or should I say non-sleep. I don't know what was up with that, but today is supposed to be a 'Day of Renewal' where we aren't allowed to do any work at all. Which should be good. I dunno what they have in mind, but I was thinking like a day spa and an hour long massage. (I'm still hopeful, but I'll find out in like 10 minutes.
Oh, here are lyrics which I thought summed me up at my present place in life:

You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it.
Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it.

Bono -You Too

That pretty much sums me up in my life right now. Dude what is up?
Here are some pics I took with Stephen Morris at Capernwray one day whilst trying to capture a moment. I'm trying to illustrate how I feel...

This is where I'm at...

...and this is where I want to be.


Benjamin said...

i like the pics

Janice said...

wow. i really like those pictures. a lot. how long did it take to get those? i can see myself getting too frustrated and giving up. although once i took a photo of fork tines through a cigarette cookie which was hard. not as cool though. love you dear, thanks for the chat last night.

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

it took about 10 mins with my baby, and then we went to take some pics out the front of the castle.
They are a little interesting, but I'm not happy with them. I could do a lot better. I give me a C-

Anonymous said...

I definitely understand how you feel in relation to those pictures....I kind of feel the same way. Like God has put a number of very different paths in front of me yet, He isn't giving me any indication of which one to choose. Oh well, such is life.

-Jill Keith