Saturday, November 26, 2005

Noteworthy Phone Call to Minnesota

Today I made one phone call and got to speak to these 5 people...

Awesome, huh!


Court said...

That's so great. I wishh.......

Janice said...

yeah i'd say that was worth it.

ps maybe you know. i don't feel like looking it up. what football club did vinnie jones play for?

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Janice, VInnie played for WImbledon. They're not a big club anymore, but they were in the top League when he played for them. (He was a very dirty/vicious player though!)
And good on you Caroline. Although, Where are the guys? None have done the challengs as of yet!

Justin N said...

So I was woken up this one day by this amazing voice on the telephone saying "helloo." Couldn't have started off my day any better. Check out the blog soon for a post on the weekend. Pace Fuori.