Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Day Before the Beginning

It's now 12.15 and I still have n't woken Zach up. I still have a whole bunch of theings that I have to do, such as take out the washing and get the last few things. I have started to find little things which I have been looking for for a while and haven't been able to find. Like the big beenie that Vanya gave me, and the wooden neckchain thing (?) that Milly gave me. Things are all falling into place. I found myself worring a little (i guess) about what Zach thought of me etc, and I began to prepare myself to be a little precautious in my words and actions around him, but then I thought about it some more, and came to the conclusion that I totally don't wanna be like that. I mean, he's gonna get to know me soo deeply over the next 9 months. Well, there it is. My morning schpeel. I tihnk I better wake him up now.

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