Wednesday, September 22, 2004


This morning, I went to see Doctor Wentzel. My mum made me. I knew my mum was concerned about me, and when I spoke to the doc, he told me that my mum had rang him up the night before and told him that she thinks I might have cancer. I mean, my mum is pretty specialised in all this stuff, cos she's been studying it for years. But yeah, the doc thinks the chances are that I don't have cancer, although I could have. He said that he couldn't tell my mum because I was 19 and I would have to tell her myself, i.e. patient confidentiality etc etc. But yah, he prescribed me some heavy drugs and stuff, which I hope don't affect me too much, and he's written a letter to the GP in Lancashire, and told me I have to give it to them when I get there. But hmm. I'm totally not worried about a thing.
Gotta go clear out my room before Zach gets here tomorrow! Woohoo!

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