Friday, January 13, 2006

Pooing in the Pants. Please Pray.

As many of you know, tomorrow, I find out whether I get into Moody Bible Institute in Chicago or not.
Please pray that God's will is done, and also for me, that I will not freak out too much if I don't get in.
I really have my hopes up and I think about little else every day.
Thanks guys.

Oh, yeah, and post some comments on my art photos as well, punks!


Justin N said...

Dude- call me and Jimmy and let us know what the dil is yo! Here's the US # (minus all that mumbo jumbo in the beginning) 630-752-6707
Praying for you man.

Anonymous said...

well i am sorry i'll be gone when you find out, although if its anything like my acceptance letter it came like a week late...ha you'll get an ulcer with all this tension.daveo i really think you have a great chance at getting in, you're definitely just as intelligent as most people here and you've had plenty of ministry experience.dear don't fret

Janice said...

and you're foreign and they like that. i hope you get it!!

ps...why do you want us to comment on your pictures so badly? i think they're all beautiful, but i would feel a bit silly just posting "i like this one too" on every single one. you take lovely photographs, rest in that. you don't need our approval. if taking pictures makes you feel God's pleasure then do it.

Court said...

Praying for you right now. Well as soon as I finish typing.

Benjamin said...

what art photo, fool (in the Mr. T accent. if you know who that is)

mike said...

im gonna miss u... :(

what the hell i might come with - i could spend the rest of my life doing the first year at different bible colleges...