Saturday, January 14, 2006

Moody Bible Institute

I got in!!!


Anonymous said...

YAH Daveo!!!!! I'm so glad you got in.... and hey we'll be on the same continent...

Beth said...

YES!!! Congrats dude!

Anonymous said...

Heck yes to you Daveo. I got a real good friend that goes there, you two should hook up.

Janice said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Brother! Now you can come stay with me!

Megs said...

good for you daveo.....seriously rock on.

Pamela Joy said...

Yay! So happy for you Daveo!

SClerk said...

Thats really great news for you, Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Daveo, First of all wonderful HTML layout. I fully impressed. Myself and Ms. Kaylie Wilson are here and are truly excited about your acceptance to the Institute of Moody Bible! Secondly, I was just curious about when you heard about your acceptance and when did you apply to the school? I also applied to Moody back in November and waiting for a letter. Well I am just curious.
Until next time.
Nate from Rhode Island and former student of Capernwray Hall Spring School 2005

Benjamin said...

way to go daveo!

ShannonMarie said...

Congrats bud!! You deserve the best, so I am so happy that you have this great opportunity ahead of you. (Yay, now you will be closer to Canada and can hopefully come visit someday!)

Allison said...

Yaaay!! I'm happy for you, brother. You'll have to make your way to Portland while you're there, you know... ;)

mike said...

if u dont invite me over i will beat u... in a nice christina sorta way... congrats man!

mike said...

wow.. i meant christian... there's a fraudian slip if i ever saw one...

mike said...

freudian... dammit i cant spell

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Yeah guys, I am over the freakin' moon!
And I'll be living on the same continent as you all (except Mike).
You're all invited to come and visit me when I'm there. And maybe we could meet up with other Capernhofers too. I know I'll be over with Jimmy and Justin and Anna Reedy all the time.
And Nate, i hope you get in. I applied in November too for the early deadline and was told that I'd hear if I got in by January 14th. If I were you, I'd give them a call to find out.

Oh people, I am just so happy. I feel like this is somehow my big break. My ticket into the world, or something.

Justin N said...

I love you man. Call again sometime and get us. Me and Jimmy were flipping out when we heard your message on the answering machine!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YEAH DAVEOOOOOO!!!! I love ya man and can't wait to see you here in the fall.

Josh said...


Court said...

Your goign to be on this side of the world!!!!! I am so excited about that. Daveo I haven't heard your voice in awhile we should change that sometime.

Béthany said...

thats really really good Daveo!!! I am happy for you. :-) :-) :-) <--see?

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I start at Moody on Ausust 12, but hopefully I'll fly to California from London at the end of July for some sort of wedding thing, and then after me and Beej untie Jón Magnús from some lamppost and give him back some clothes so he actually makes his wedding, I'll probably hang out with beej for a bit in Cali until I have to fly to Chicago.
But that all depends on when the wedding date is.

Elin =) said...

CONGRATULATION!! =) that's great news, DaveO!

Danny said...
