Monday, October 31, 2005

Encouraged by Encouraging

This morning I gave my message on encouragement and I think people listened.
Little did they know that I had spent 5 hours the previous day writing out personalised notes of encouragement with chocolate bars attached to them to every person in my year group, which I then placed in their pidgeonholes 10 minutes before the devotion.
What a surprise they got when they came out of devotion and checked their mailboxes! I left all the notes anonymous, but it's pretty obvious who it was. Anyway, this girl came up to me tonight all excited and was like, 'Did you see what someone put in all our pidgeonholes! They must have really taken your message to heart!' Ha. She was from the north. Naturally.
Anyway, just wanted to post this because I felt genuinely encouraged by seeing others encouraged, by my encouraging. It's a good feeling. You should try it.

Oh, pee ess, Andrew Caldwell now has a blog. It's on my sidebar, you should check it out.


Court said...

Hi, daveo Sorry I missed your call today. I was talking on the phone so I couldn't answer. However. I meet a asian british man from manchester tonight. He rides a nice motorcycle and he made me a stiff drink. I was so pleased to meet him because, he reminded me of you. Well styled, well spoken, hot and nice.
luvs you boy

Twenty4Fifty said...

who are those studs in that picture?

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Dude, that's you on the left and me on the right.