Saturday, April 16, 2005

Leaving The Country

It's 1.40am and I can't get to sleep. I'm all packed and ready to go. Mum and Dad are waking up to drive me to the airport at about 4am, but they're asleep at the moment. I think I am unable to sleep due to excitement, although, it's not hyperactive excitement, but rather more subdued or even sedated excitement if that's possible. My 15kg luggage limit for the next 6 months was less of a struggle to meet than I expected. My suitcase seems tiny compared to what I'm used to. Standing up tall, it reaches my knees.
I'm not totally sure if I'm ready to leave the country or not. I mean, I don't have a problem going, it's more that I feel like I haven't quite tied up all the loose ends. Oh well!

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