Friday, February 17, 2006

This is worse than that time the racoon got in the copier

After playing Pro Evolution Soccer on the X-Box with a Korean guy for the last 5 hours straight, I come back to my room only to have my nostrils molested by a stench worse than the bowels of Hades…
Ok, so most days I get free milk cartons. Often, more than I can consume. (You see where this is heading). A couple of months ago, I entertained the thought that maybe a substance close to cheese could be created under the sink in my room. It could. However, by the time this was achieved, the excitement at the prospect no longer existed, and the milk cartons just kept on piling up. Little did I expect there to be a saturation point upon which the expansion of the milk/curds/whey quietly burst the cartons, (unbeknownst to myself), seeping something that could be classified as raw evil that permeates the carpet of my daily living.
The smell is so bad, I could throw up, and it would actually smell noticeably more pleasant. I think I’m going to have to sleep in the corridor tonight, or spray deodorant directly up my nose.


Benjamin said...

that was i really well composed post
i got all the vivid imagery in full color
it vaguely reminds me of some curdled milk we used for filming but definitely a lot worse

SClerk said...

Daveo...thats mingin'!
Im busy the weekends my parents are away. Are you free during the week anytime?

Josh said...

Mingin' if only I heard that word more often. It seriously is disgusting.

Janice said...

wow. that's awesome. only you would try to make cheese from milk under your sink. next time...just buy cheese you silly goose. hope the smell gets better.

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Sarah, ring or eMail me. I'm free this week cos it's half term.

And Ben, it's definitely a lot worse than that milk we used for the Mission Impossible video. And for the record, that also was me. Beej told me to get rid of it when we found it in our room, but me being me, I kept it under the stairs between Room 30 and 31.

The smell is still more than I can bear. It smells like there's been a baby throw-up competition in my room.
Why oh why did it have to spill on the carpet?!

Jón Magnús said...


Unknown said...

ummmm... que feo!! :)

Unknown said...

haha, please take a picture of you sleeping in the hallway spraying deodorent up your nose!

hope it gets better... you definetly have a way with words. :-)

SClerk said...

i text you today-did you get it? You can come visit this weekend if you want like on friday evening, becky is free fri evenin but works saturdays. Just let me know when your free.

Beth said...

that really is so revolting. I think Sarah got it right in saying that that is so truly mingin'. Oh..nasty! Get a professional carpet cleaner to get rid of it!

Unknown said...


As the father of four children, I have developed advanced skills in removing various foul substances and their lingering odor from my belongings. I highly recommend that you visit a pet shop or the pet department of your local UK equivalent to WalMart. There you will find bottles of "pet deodorizer" for those nasty accidents that pets and children leave behind.

Just for future reference, if your child awakens from a nap on the floor and discovers that his hair is cemented to the carpet by the well chewed gum that fell from his mouth as he dozed, cooking oil can be used to dissolve the gum. I have a feeling you may need to know this.

aka Pamela's Dad

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Thanks Kent.
Great advice. I might just take you up on that pet deodoriser idea.
It's funny you should make reference to chewing gum disasters, as I recall having to cut gum out of my hair on a couple of occasions. The cooking oil will most probably come in useful in the furture. (hopefully with my kids and not myself).

Anonymous said...

Yea, that was well thought out. :-)

Béthany said...

hee hee

i couldnt resist posting a comment, everybody else is doing it :-) miss you, daveo.

mike said...

i think you should spray deodorant up your nose - i will video it :D that would make me laugh so much. Although would i be done for assisting suicide when u died cos i filmed it and then watched u die whilst laughing hysterically?



° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Errrm, no Mike. But I'll take a picture of it instead. Hope it's ok Liana. Sorry, but the corridor is for losers. I wouldn't be caught dead sleeping in it. Unless someone killed me out there.

P.S. the room is almost completely smell free. I only get the occasional whiff now.