Monday, February 13, 2006

Davey got sick

I'm not feelin' too good guys. I have a fever or something. I've been ill for the last week or so, but yesterday and today was pretty bad. I even missed classes... moan moan moan... you know the rest...


Janice said...
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Josh said...

"if only Californian's were as nice as the looked," said the skinny boy.

I feel your pain Daveo.

Jón Magnús said...

sad thing is....I take that as a compliment.

Pamela Joy said...

I too feel your pain Daveo... and I too have blogged for sympathy. What better reason is there to blog? I seem to recall a few such blogs from Miss Marissa as well... hmmm

Jón Magnús said...

Miss Pam, my blogs are in cries from my uterus. But c'mon to straight up give the baby voice? Like sure say "I'm sick and this sucks" but a baby voice?

mike said...

this is my best attempt at good pastoral care:

thats a shame, get over it.

(what are they teaching us in Vocational Training???)

Pamela Joy said...

Ok, I agree with you there Marissa.

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Ok ok, quit yer whining Marisa, can't a guy just be ill in peace? And no, I wasn't doing it in a baby voice. I was saying it in the voice of Mr T. "Davey got sick, fool."
Anyhows, I'm better now, so shut yer face!