Monday, May 16, 2005

Travel Weekend at HP's Farm

So much has happened here in Austria since I last posted, and I won't be able to remember it all right now, But that's ok.
So this weekend was travel weekend and a lot of people went to places like Vienna, Salzburg, Slovenia, Trieste and other places in Italy. But about 15 of us went up in the mountains to stay at this guy's farm. It was soo awesome there, and we had so much fun. There was like no electricity, so there were no lights! it was crazy hardcore! Thankfully, we brought 125 tee lites so it wasn't so bad.
The weather was awesome and it was a great time just to chill. We spent a lot of the time on this great big trampoline, either doing flips on it or spooning with about 6 other people, or just lying there. Hans Peter (the owner) is this huge, stereotypical Austrian guy who wears lederhosen and Austrian shoes and everything. He is completely self-sufficient and we drank the milk from his cows, ate the cheese he made, and a couple of days befoer we got there, he slaughtered one of his pigs, so we had a great barbeque by his fire pit. It was brilliant. One guy, Jimmy, told us scary stories by the campfire and then a love story which ended up in people gettign murdered anyway, but he managed to coin the phrase 'Love Hurts!' It was hilarious. On the last day, he chased us with an axe, wearing pantyhose over his face.
Oh, so anyway, Hans Peter allowed us to stay at his farm for free if we worked an hour each day, which was awesome, because all I had to do was chop wood and I put up a fence post (which I was proud of) and stuff like that. The girls milked the cows and other stuff. It was fun, and we probably would've done it for fun anyways.
So yeah, I'm back at Tauernhof now and hearing everyone's crazy stories.
I'll try and write soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow. You should post some pictures of the farm. I would love to see them if you took them.

jengajen said...

Hey again!
Yep I'm off to Capes in September and I can't WAIT! I'm well excited! Yeh, Brent kept telling me to go to Austria... I've just applied to Capernwray Hall though, so I'll have to see if I can change my mind or something if I think God wants me to go to Austria... Austria is great, but.. hmmm... yep ok well you can tell Brent I'm considering it now, at least... its no longer a firm "no" :-)

By the way, the random person you were talking to on msn last night was me, though I wasnt there cause I was at church... and I don't know how you got on my contact list... I just found messages from "Daveo" when I got home! ...weird...

Sounds like you had fun on the farm Are Austrian farms much different from English farms? Do the farmers all say "ooh arr" and ride cows, singing about ambrosia custard?

Anyways, take care!

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Hey Gid, I'd love to post pictures on here, but they totally don't have Hello Picasa for the Mac, and it's driving me crazy. I guess, I'll have not do without for now. Sorry!

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Heya Jenny!
Right, I thought it might be you online. I think I spoke to someone but I can't really remember right now. So yeah, totally consider going to Austria. I only applied in November whilst I was already at Capernwray. In fact a lot of people changed from doing the one-year thing to coming to Austria for the Spring School. You're totally allowed to and the total prices aren't that different. Just check up on it and see. Besides, after the first six months, 80% of .
people either go home or go to another Capernwray school, so don't worry about missing out on building longer relationships, cos they'll last anyway.
Hope this helps persuade you, cos I've fallen in love with this pace and this country.