Saturday, March 11, 2006

We're all the same

Over the last couple of days, some people's stuff has gone missing here at college, including an iPod. A Honduran guy was suspected by the Koreans, who had been watching his shifty behaviour which coincided with the appropriate timing of his departure from England. So, going to the authorities, they asked to solve the whole thing by searching his room. It had to be explained to them that this was not legal without his permission, which he would not give, being adamant that the impertinence of even suspecting him was absurd and out of order since he led worship back at his home church in Honduras. Then when the Honduran happened to be absent from the college premises one night, a couple of the Korean guys (just think of Kyung Taek and Yi Ho but even less outgoing), climbed up the wall outside and in through his window to search his room. They found the iPod etc in his coat, and took it back.
Upon telling us the story, we had to inform the Koreans that they could not report this to the authorities, as they could be charged with breaking and entering. The Honduran was told what had happened, but denied everything, sticking to a story of evidence planting. Nothing more will be done and everyone has their stuff back, but the people who know the truth do not look favourably upon the Honduran.

However, I am reminded of how theft is still in the same bracket as coveting etc, and that we all have problems and still sin, so technically are no different.

On another note, the night the two Koreans searched that guy's room, many people were praying for God's justice to be done, and the Honduran just happened to be out of college at the time because he was in hospital, having played football, had fallen awkwardly, and broken his arm.
This may or may not have been God's judgement, but some would say that going to play football on a stone floor after just stealing from prayerful Christians was only inviting God's vengeance. I don't happen to agree with either, but who knows. It's just funny how things turn out.


shinbone #4 said...

So glad your back... alive and kicking. Very intriguing story. Good to see justice prevailed, no matter the why's and wherefores etc...

Stacie said...

daveo, im not so sure bout hanging out as you are in another country. i do wish to come back soon though. i see you mentioned me not being hooker, id just like to point out it is still true.hard to resist but im making it. haha. so are you going to wheaton? someone had mentioned that to me.

Court said...

It sounds like something you would do scaling walls and such. Glad to here from you Daveo. I wonder how the world of girls and you are doing?!?! I will have to find you on skype sometime and find out. bye for now. big kiss

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

There's a world of girls?
Why am I finding this out only now? Me being stuck in this damn unisex world for the last 20 years. I gotta get me tickets to that other world.
And Stacie, it's Moody, not Wheaton. Close, but no cigar.
P.S. I miss everyone, and would appreciate a huge care package with you all inside. Hope that's not too much trouble. Thanks.

jacquie said...

cheers for the post dav-e-o. always lovely to hear from you. keep the comments coming...
oh and sure- we can go for whatever sach is up for.

ps.i dont mean this in a bad way.. your girl smiles page looks like homemade porn.

Josh said...

Spring break is the vacation time between winter quarter and spring quarter or about halfway through spring semester depending on the Uni you attend.

Anonymous said...

it's funny how god broke the Honduran's arm. Just like he cooked those people to a slow horrific death in the world trade center. and how he slowly tortures other good people in a way that exactly lines up with random probability. in fact I suspect that if you look at the statistics you will see that criminals get broken arms in the exact same proportion as god-fearing christians. sort of makes your broken arm observation look a bit dumb, doesn't it?

Béthany said...

who the heck is that?

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I dunno. Some anonymous commenter. It's ok. I don't think they'll be reading this again, but if they do, they might want to read the bit where I said I didn't believe that God works that way, at least not most of the time, even though he can. But most people have an extremely limited view of suffering and obviously of healing too.
That is why we as Christians need to introduce a hating world to the real Jesus, and not the Jesus and God often portrayed by the church. (I will post an extract from one of my sermons about this.)
It is obvious to me that this anonymous commentor has been hurt either by the church or Christians in their past, and now bears a grudge that needs to be talked about properly. There are so many people out there who are the same. And it is our job to defend our faith.