Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mother's Day or Mothering Sunday?

Today is Mother's Day in England. It's also called Mothering Sunday.
In church today, I learnt that Mother's Day was started by a Pensylvanian woman in 1905. Meanwhile in Britain, we celebrated Mothering Sunday, which was the Sunday that you went back to your 'mother' church.
During WWII, American troops stationed in Britain started giving gifts and flowers to their landladies, which was ever so popular, and we adopted Mother's Day, combining it with Mothering Sunday, but holding it on the British Mothering Sunday, rather than on the American Mother's Day.
This answered a question I've had for years, so I thought I would post about it, but I've just realised that you Americanadians probably have never used the term 'Mothering Sunday', so I'm now in two minds as to whether I'll actually post this or not.
Either way, this is another opportunity to thank God for our Mothers.
Oh, yeah, it's my mum's birthday today too! Happy 25th Birthday Mum!!!


Court said...

Thanks Daveo- I wonder if this will get me out of getting a present for my mother. Probably not.
Hope life is going well for you. Are you almost done school for the year???

Leslie Puiras said...

hahaha i guess mothersday is the big one over here, but i definately saw advertisements for mothering sunday in my hometown.. So yah, we celebrate that here too i suppose.

Unknown said...

your mom turned 25?? :) Well tell her happy birthday from me too!!