Sunday, April 01, 2007

First Video Blog?

Just press play...


Allison said...

yaaay!! fun fun fun!

mercy said...

hello daveo. hi. which means the same as hello so i don't know why i said both. i like hearing your voice. it's- how you say- spot on? i guess. very nice. very nice. incidentally, you'll be seeing my sister before long. i'm seeing her right now and it's no big deal i can tell you. but as i think i will visit her as much as i can (seeing as how i dislike warm weather) perhaps someday i will see you again too. okay. well. i like the video thing.

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Mercy! Hi!
Good to hear from you.
Yes, your sister will be joining me in Chicago soon. Cannot wait!
Tell her hi from me!