Thursday, January 18, 2007

Life's Curve Balls

This morning I was a little bit down about some small unimportant matter, and upon examining myself I realised that I had absolutely no reason to. Even though outwardly I appeared quite normal, inside of me there was a little kid throwing a temper tantrum about how he wasn't getting what he wanted and consequently feeling sorry for himself. Do you ever get like that?
Sometimes I get pent up about such small things that it doesn't occur to me that I have no right to feel the way I do. I'm 21 right? So I shouldn't sweat the small stuff.
One of my profs today was talking about how sometimes God throws us curve balls* and that we should understand they are meant to teach us and help us grow as men and women of God. He isn't trying to trip us up and watch us fall, even though we may well do so, but He is there for us, helping us learn his lessons.
I think that this positive outlook is not an optimistic one but a realistic one, and for that I'm thankful.

*A curve ball is an American term derived from an American sport called "baseball" and is used when referring to a situation that was not to be expected. -E.g. "Dang dawg! I figured the po-po would never catch my El Camino after X-hibit had pimped it out, but they threw me a curve ball by using magnum road spikes. Now my wheels are jacked up and I'm in jail."


Anonymous said...

1- A large percent of the time I am a small child inside and then the onther percentage I am the parent telling the child in me off for being so stupid.
2- I was going to comment on how I wouldn't know what a curve ball was if it hit me. ( making them a horrible pitcher) but then you defintion was so fabulouse that I started laughing.....
I love you Daveo. And know that I have seen you win the battle against that small child many times. And in those times I have seen you grow as a person.

Anonymous said...

Dang Dawg, that's an amazing sentence.

Anonymous said...

Haha I just read that definition and started cracking up! Oh, I needed that. (: Hope you are doing well Daveo.

Anonymous said...

Well Daveo... I have some news.. I know how you like news... It's not exactly New News BUT! Did you know our mutual friend Megan Bauer is engaged to be married???!! You did?
Oh nuts.

Twenty4Fifty said...

i like you, you're pretty

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I'm glad you all liked my use of vocabulary. I am learning the lingo here in Chi-town and will soon be a professional.
Grace, I knew about Megan already but I can't believe she's getting married to some dude! Weird.
And Andrew, I also like you very much. You are very pretty. We'll have to catch up some time man.
The end.