So, today I woke up at about 9am. Feeling pleased with my achievement, I thought I'd treat myself to a nap. 5 hours later, I got out of bed and had a bath. I didn't manage to get milk etc today, I think I'll get it tomorrow morning instead. Brought in the washing which had dried, and started watching TV.
When you start writing about bringing in the washing, you know you've had a really uneventful day. Anyhoo, I haven't made much progress on this Sunday's sermon, but I think I'll do some more after I post this.
Anyways, tomorrow, I'm partying again, so I have to clear the house up, just in case people want to come back to mine to sleep or wuteva. Should be a laugh though. I think loadsa people will be there. Happy days.
Well, It's actually almost 1am, and I think they have the English time wrong on here! But hey. Wuteva. Oh, and In case you hadn't noticed, the first post entitled 'My First Blog' was actually from Wednesday. I just wrote it after midnight.
Yeah, what a way to finish a journal entry. ...Explaining it. Good job, Daveo.