So, I'm back in Maidstone for the Christmas break, after the best 3 months of my life. So much has gone on. Too much to write about. In fact, I'm gonna make this page into more of a photo journal than a written one.
I've learnt soo much at Bible School, the lecturers are great, and have taught me so much about the really important things I need to know about my faith, the Bible, and what my purpose is here on the earth. I may be so bold to say that I have learnt even more relationally through living with people for the first time, sharing a small room with 3 other guys, and sharing a castle with 170 other students from around the world. Ok, most of them are from America and Canada, but hey.
I have met some fantastic people, some whom I would really like to keep as life-long friends, some who's backgrounds are so crazily different that I just can't conceive, and the rest who are American. (this is a joke.) I'll introduce you to them as we go through some of these pictures. Hooray!
Feel free to post a comment on anything here, I would really appreciate it!